Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Blog Post #2

A character that i love in my book is Jay-Z. He is a modern hustla who came up through the projects of New York. I like the fact that he was persistent in his attempts to be a rapper. He views the rap game as more than just money but a way to express himself lyrically. He came up slingin rocks on the block and now is a rap mogul. If he found a $100 he would keep it. Based on his age in the book so far, odds are he'd invest it in some crack and then turn a profit or some fresh clothes. The streets is where he learned to be a thrifty business man. The picture i chose above represents the crack addiction i've read about. Jay- Z has personally seen crack ruin families on the streets. Tyrone Biggums is a fictional character who's addicted to crack. In the picture he's making a peanut butter crack sandwich.

1 comment:

  1. super good and descriptive post. really inspiring and moving.
